Tag Archive: Mark Webber

Dec 09


Please don’t get confused. This review is going to be about Jessabelle. Not Annabelle. Sure, they are both horror films, and they came out around the same time, and you know, have that belle thing going on. But they are nothing alike. Okay, they have one more thing in common. But we will get to …

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Sep 24

Happy Christmas

Shit. I should have saved this movie for actual Christmas. Jeez. What is wrong with me? I blew it, clearly. Happy Christmas is an indie movie, so of course it makes sense to come out on July 25th, which I guess is the “Christmas In July” day, but I don’t get that concept at all. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/happy-christmas

Apr 22

Save The Date

When I saw the trailer (I never saw this trailer) for Save The Date, I assumed that the stars were also the writers! It looked like an indie romance comedy that these comedy stars keep doing on a small budget (I based this on the poster only). Lots of assumptions, but seriously, they are all …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/save-the-date

May 10


If you guys knew how many lesser known movies Kevin Spacey was making nowadays, you’d be shocked. Shocked! Because everyone loves Kevin Spacey right? Even when he is in mediocre films, he is usually the best part and everyone is happy. Because yay Kevin Spacey. But why all these films that aren’t advertised? Today I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/shrink

Dec 27

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Here is an example of a biased review. Yesss! Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a movie based off of a 6 part graphic novel series more or less called… Scott Pilgrim. The novels were one of my first forays into owning graphic novels and reading them, when there was still only the first four …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world

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