Tag Archive: The Martian

Jan 03

Best Films of 2015

This year, I am doing the best first! Mostly because, miraculously, I have seen everything that might make this list already, decently early. My worst list might be a few weeks, as I have been avoiding some of the worse films for my own sanity. I had a lot of movies that I really liked …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/best-films-of-2015

Oct 02

The Martian

Everyone knows that James Cameron really loves the ocean. He is stupid rich and just wants to conquer it. In some ways, I am starting to think that Matt Damon is like a James Cameron-lite. He doesn’t like water, but he is starting to love the shit out of outer space. Three films in three …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-martian

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