Tag Archive: Jeff Daniels

Mar 18


The official name for this film is not Allegiant, but The Divergent Series: Allegiant – Part 1, and that is down right terrible for a few reasons. One, the first movie was called Divergent, not The Divergent Series: Divergent. You knew there would be more movies, you shouldn’t try to change the series names after …

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Nov 02

Steve Jobs

Few people are lucky enough to have a film be made on their life. For the most part, they have to wait til they are both dead and a decade or so after they kick the bucket. Obviously, some people wait hundreds of years, because they are old famous people and movies weren’t a thing …

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Oct 02

The Martian

Everyone knows that James Cameron really loves the ocean. He is stupid rich and just wants to conquer it. In some ways, I am starting to think that Matt Damon is like a James Cameron-lite. He doesn’t like water, but he is starting to love the shit out of outer space. Three films in three …

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Mar 24

Dumb and Dumber To

I could start this review talking about sequels that never had to be made. I could talk about the long time between movies (twenty years, or I guess, eleven if you count Dumb and Dumberer). But no, I will just be the bigger man and realize why this movie was made. Jim Carrey wants to …

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Oct 02


If you wanna have a good time, every time you say Looper, you should pronounce it as “Loopah”. Reminds me of Zelda a bit. It is a good idea to laugh. Especially when you see Looper, and feel all sorts of weird feelings during it. The year, 2044. The setting, Kansas, because why the fuck …

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May 01

The Squid and The Whale

Uh oh, The Squid And The Whale? You know that means it will be a quirky movie. An autobiographical, quirky movie too. Jeff Daniels looking like a hobo? Must be artsy too. This is supposed to be a story about the youth of Noah Baumbach. Who is that? He is a writer, who works on …

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Apr 06

Away We Go

Again, a movie with a thousand tags. But I will explain it very simply for you so that is all makes sense. The plot of Away We Go it turns out is pretty damn simple to understand. More time for analysis (if I choose). Hooray! It’s about love. And finding your love’s vagina. John Krasinski …

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Dec 01

State Of Play

State Of Play was originally much further on my “to watch list”, but thanks to not getting the next shipment of movies in time, it became a quick backup plan. I just assumed it would be a lame thriller, but it turned out to be a lot more interesting. But first you have to assume …

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Oct 07

Paper Man

Paper Man Pedobear

Paper Man is a pretty weird movie. That becomes obvious if you have seen the cover. Let me help you. Ryan Reynolds as a super hero maybe? (Is he called Paper Man? (Nope, Captain Excellent)) Jeff Daniels, not being in Dumb and Dumber? Lisa Kudrow, not in Friends? And wait, EMMA STONE? SHE IS IN …

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