This year, I am doing the best first! Mostly because, miraculously, I have seen everything that might make this list already, decently early. My worst list might be a few weeks, as I have been avoiding some of the worse films for my own sanity. I had a lot of movies that I really liked …
My ratings are on a very simple 5 point scale, I don't do those silly half points.
4 - Love
3 - Like
2 - Average/Okay/Meh
1 - Dislike
0 - Hate
Simple. Elegant. Gorgon.
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Tag Archive: Sicario
Jan 03
Best Films of 2015
by Admin
January 3, 2016
Tags: 2015, 4 out of 4, Best Films, Chi-Raq, Infinitely Polar Bear, Inside Out, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Room, Sicario, Southpaw, Spotlight, Steve Jobs, Straight Outta Compton, The Big Short, The Last Five Years, The Martian, The Revenant
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Oct 06
by Admin
October 6, 2015
I am happy to say that I was able to go into Sicario with a blind eye. I knew nothing about the plot and I was happy about that fact. Hell, when I first saw the cover and name, I just assumed it was some random horror film. But what I was unable to avoid …
Tags: 4 out of 4, Action, Benicio Del Toro, Crime, Daniel Kaluuya, Drama, Emily Blunt, Jeffrey Donovan, Jon Bernthal, Josh Brolin, Maximilia Hernandez, Sicario, Victor Garber, Yes Penis
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