Tag Archive: Infinitely Polar Bear

Jan 03

Best Films of 2015

This year, I am doing the best first! Mostly because, miraculously, I have seen everything that might make this list already, decently early. My worst list might be a few weeks, as I have been avoiding some of the worse films for my own sanity. I had a lot of movies that I really liked …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/best-films-of-2015

Nov 11

Infinitely Polar Bear

Writing a review without pictures would be like talking about Mark Ruffalo and not making a Hulk reference. You can’t do it. Hulk had two personalities, regular, and rage. Mark Ruffalo in real life probably also has two personalities, something lame like celebrity and normal. And in Infinitely Polar Bear? Well, I am not sure …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/infinitely-polar-bear

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