Tag Archive: Josh Brolin

Feb 03

Hail, Caesar!

Fuck yes. I am hyped. I am beyond hyped. I am too hyped. I am hyped because I am excited to see Hail, Caesar!, potentially the first great movie of the year. We are out of January, and things can start to look up, if only for a little bit. But hold the fucking phone. …

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Oct 06


I am happy to say that I was able to go into Sicario with a blind eye. I knew nothing about the plot and I was happy about that fact. Hell, when I first saw the cover and name, I just assumed it was some random horror film. But what I was unable to avoid …

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Sep 04


Here is a dumb question you can ask your friends and coworkers if you want them to dislike you a little bit more than they already do. “Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?” This will make them ponder and come up with some bad guess, and you can quickly …

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Feb 18

Inherent Vice

I was excited to watch Inherent Vice, because the internet told me to be excited about Inherent Vice. It was some sleek 1970s-esque drama/mystery, complete with Private Eye and missing people. It had a sexy poster and a lot of famous people in it. I honestly didn’t see too much advertising outside of the internet, …

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Aug 25

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

I don’t know how people reviewed the movie Sin City when it came out, I just know that Sin City: A Dame To Kill For will be pretty hard to review. Sin City itself was pretty polarizing. I think overall it was on the positive side of the spectrum for most people (including me). The …

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Mar 17


Wooo, Oldboy remake! I watched the original a few days before Oldboy came out to theaters, then…surprise! They changed their mind to make it limited release on Thanksgiving week, and of course, it didn’t come close to my area. Fuck those guys. Damn it, damn it. So now it is March, and I can finally …

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Feb 03

Labor Day

Yesssss, a Jason Reitman movie! Who is Jason Reitman? Well, he did Up In The Air, Young Adult, Juno, and Thank You For Smoking. That should be enough for you. I guess, he also directed Labor Day. He has pretty interesting movies, so I expect good things from this super drama looking movie. Like. Seriously. …

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Nov 28


It took me a long long long time to finally watch Milk. Which is stupid, because I am also trying to watch movies nominated for Academy awards, and it was the last film 2008 for me to see. I wasn’t sure why it took so long originally, but now I definitely know. Last year for …

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Jan 15

Gangster Squad

Not going to lie. When I first saw the trailer for Gangster Squad, I thought it might be interesting. But I was worried based on the dialogue given it might all be cheesy. But I do love vigilantism. Especially real vigilantism. But above all of that, the thing I liked most was just the music …

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Aug 08

Men In Black 3

Here’s something I have learned today. Men In Black 3 is the first movie Will Smith has done in four years. FOUR YEARS. Isn’t that weird? Someone who used to do action movies every other year on average since ID4, with a drama or two thrown in? I only looked this up because Will Smith …

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