Tag Archive: Rufus Sewell

Feb 28

Gods Of Egypt

As a ancient history major, I also love me some good mythology. The stories people used to tell are just as important as what those people actually did. They tell us so much about the culture, how they thought, what they valued, and how they were raised. Gods of Egypt looks to not celebrate any …

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Jul 31


2014 was going to be the year of the Hercules movies. Two films, doppleganger movies, going head to head, months apart, to see who could make the best Hercules based movie. Kind of silly, when nothing could ever beat the clearly superior Hercules Disney movie from 1997. Zero to Hero, bitches. But two things were …

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Aug 07

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

History is written by the victors, definitely something you’ve heard before. If not get some education, damn it. But it is true. Just like dead men tell no tales. Undead men can tell tales, however. Alternative histories are usually exciting to watch, as you watch events you know definitely occurred, with other questionable events spliced …

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