Tag Archive: Lochlyn Munro

Dec 22

Freddy Vs. Jason

1250. Welcome to my 1250th review! This Milestone Review is actually a bit cooler than the last few. Something about a “250” is sexy. A quarter of a thousand. That means I am slightly closer to 1500! Now I know what you are thinking. Freddy vs. Jason? That movie came out like, ten years ago? …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/freddy-vs-jason

Dec 12

Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story

I had planned to watch this before the latest health development from Mr. Hockey / Gordie Howe. Thankfully he didn’t have another stroke, but man, I have to face it that one of the greatest players is going to die soon. That is very sad, but at least I was old enough to really know …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/mr-hockey-the-gordie-howe-story

Aug 05

Assault On Wall Street

Uwe Uwe Uwe. Boll Boll Boll. Potentially the most hated director in the world. More hated than Michael Bay. He is known for two things. Making shitty movies hated by most people (like BloodRayne), and a few years ago saying he is willing to box any critic who says his movies suck. Well jeez. Although …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/assault-on-wall-street

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