Tag Archive: James McAvoy

May 11

X-Men: Apocalypse

Here it folks, the big one. The Apocalypse is coming, despite everything Idris Elba did to cancel it. The recent strange reboot of the X-Men franchise has been wildly successful. I enjoyed First Class and loved the crap out of Days of Future Past (which made my top of the year list), while also fixing …

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Sep 16

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him/Her/Them

Movies in 2014 brought us some incredibly new and wonderful experiences. Boyhood took 12 years to film, doing a little bit each year to watch the actors grow old. Birdman was edited in a fine way to make it seem like just one long continuous shot. Both fantastic films, my 1 and 2 from the …

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Jun 19


James McAvoy is a fun Scottish man. He has risen pretty well into fame territory, but he doesn’t let that get to his head (I think). He still does the indie movies. In fact, it seems like half of his movies are big Hollywood numbers, and the other half are indie. He really loves that …

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May 26

X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men, oh X-Men, where art thou X-Men? This is the seventh film of the franchise. SEVENTH. X-Men: Days Of Future Past. When I first heard about this, I was excited. It was a very ambitions plot and storyline to go for, time travel tends to do that. Couple that with the fact that X-Men: First …

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Aug 01

Welcome To The Punch

Two James McAvoy movies in two days. That is what I did with Trance and Welcome To The Punch, both which released on DVD/BR the same day. Pretty much a McAvoy festapalooza. Alright, I have nothing to say as an introduction. I am just stalling. Let’s just say I got to go into this movie …

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Jul 30


Trance came out in theaters in late March, but apparently never came close to my area, so I had to wait until the DVD Release. You’d think a college town would be able to justify more indie and lesser known releases. But then again, you’d think a college town would also have trivia nights at …

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Dec 25

Arthur Christmas

Yay Christmas! Personally, my Christmas this year will involve waiting for 3pm to happen, so I can watch some kick ass movies in theaters all night. No special plans, just movies. Because movies are awesome. Either way, I figured I should review a Christmas movie for Christmas, and there really hasn’t been that many this …

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Feb 24


Wanted is by far one of the movies I have dreaded most to watch. I also have read the book and have no way of doing this in a biased way. Yes, I generally review things and ignore the book. But usually if they have the same name they at least have the same plot. …

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Dec 21

Gnomeo and Juliet

Thanks to Wall-E, people realized that all “kids movies” didn’t have to be dumbed down or feature only “lesser” humor. But guess what? Those movies are the easiest to make. Not in terms of work on CGI and what not, that can take forever, yes. But in terms of an interesting plot or comedy? Don’t …

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Oct 05

X-Men: First Class

This is one of the movies that when compared with the other three X-Men movies and Wolverine movie, it just doesn’t make much sense. It is called First Class because it is a prequel, and showing how the x-men came to be (in movie form). How can blah blah happen when in blah, blah happened? …

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