Tag Archive: JK Simmons

Jan 12


Whiplash snuck into theaters way back in October was a limited release and I obviously didn’t get to see it. It left theaters quickly, and I was left on the internet cold and sad. You see, people kept talkin’ ’bout Whiplash. About how good the acting was. What a surprise. How cool it was. And …

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Nov 11

The Boxcar Children

Ruining child classics is one of Hollywood’s favorite past times. But this is not one of those examples. Because Hollywood is not behind this movie, just some low budget independent company. That’s right. The Boxcar Children, a book made in the 1920s and repopularized in the 1940s, it then spawned 159 follow up books and …

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Aug 21


Well, if no one else is going to say it, I will. I thought the title was better when it was written out as jOBS. It made me laugh and it was cute. Sure, some saw it as disrespectful, but I thought it was funny. Steve Jobs had a sense of humor after all, and …

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May 08

An Invisible Sign

Oooh, a quirky movie. Reading the back of the cover, An Invisible Sign looks like it is supposed to be a made up woman version of A Beautiful Mind. I loved A Beautiful Mind, it made me cry, and the twist took me off guard. Clearly this movie can only bring great things! WARNING WARNING: …

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Mar 01

Dark Skies

Dark Skies might have one of the worst trailers I have ever seen, this year and every year. Besides giving away far too much, it looks like a parody of itself. We have a kid who talks funny doing a growl about a sandman, some events that are set up to show potential child abuse, …

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Oct 04

The Words

From what I heard, The Words was in production for awhile. Not a pet project by Bradley Cooper, but something he believed in and fought for with the directors to get made and produced. One of those maybe artsy things. I think that is what happened. Don’t even feel like looking it up. I am …

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Apr 08


Two things I assumed from the tv ads for Contraband when I first saw them in January. One: With Mark Wahlberg, how does this look like anything but The Italian Job 2? Two: With a name like Contraband, why does it only remind me of something like Armored? What’s that? I haven’t reviewed Armored yet? …

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Dec 07

Jennifer’s Body

Jennifer’s Body is listed in the Comedy section at Blockbuster. I think that statement is enough to show how the general public perceives this “supposed to be horror but also kinda not ish” movie. But this movie is brought to us by the same girl who wrote Juno! It must be good! But if the …

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