2016 has a sizable collection of animated movies coming out this year. I’d list them, but that makes for a boring read. A common theme I see is the classic “Animals doing human people things.” We technically had it with Kung Fu Panda 3, but it was at least set in the past. This year …
Tag Archive: Jason Bateman
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Feb 25
Horrible Bosses 2
Horrible Bosses 2 came to theaters in November, and I didn’t get to go to a screening because I went to see Rosewater instead. I actually wanted to see this one more, but I opened it up to a vote, and it was something ridiculous, like 15-1 in favor of Rosewater. Too bad Rosewater wasn’t …
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Feb 23
This Is Where I Leave You
This Is Where I Leave You is one of those movies that I really didn’t care about seeing right away. I knew I could wait for it, despite liking quite a few members of the cast. What was my beef? I call it Jason Bateman fatigue. A lot of people in this movie, but his …
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Apr 07
Bad Words
Alright, cool, Spelling Bees are still a thing. I never got into spelling correctly. You probably knew that from my reviews. But to be fair, I have enough problems with the English language as it is, which is why I kind of hate spelling bees. I just consider most of those words made up, basically. …
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Sep 20
Disconnect was one of the many films to come out in the spring of 2013 to theaters, but never to my area. It is such a shame, really. However, this one was never given an advance V.O.D. treatment either, so I didn’t have it on the backburner for months stewing either. Nope, this review is …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/disconnect
Feb 15
Identity Thief
Identity Thief came out the same day as Side Effects in theaters, yet they went the opposite route when it came to advertisements. Side Effects had barely any, and Identity Thief drowned the market with with TV spots and promos. That’s right. So many ads, I am surprised I have enough energy to tread water …
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Apr 19
I forgot Extract had so many people in it. Oh man. I had never heard of this movie before randomly walking by it. But hey, a giant picture of Jason Bateman‘s head on the cover, you take notice. But then you see that it is a movie by Mike Judge and you watch that shit …
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Dec 01
State Of Play
State Of Play was originally much further on my “to watch list”, but thanks to not getting the next shipment of movies in time, it became a quick backup plan. I just assumed it would be a lame thriller, but it turned out to be a lot more interesting. But first you have to assume …
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Nov 09
Up In The Air
Up In The Air is one of those movies that comes out in December that we like to call “Oscar Bait”. Big movies, with big actors, playing super dramatic /inspirational roles, right before the deadline for the Academy Awards, so they are fresh on the mind. No one remembers January movies in December. What important …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/up-in-the-air
Nov 05
The Change-Up
The Change-Up is the R-rated attempt to make an enjoyable “change bodies” movie. Most of the time these sort of movies are family oriented and always have the same message. Always. Your life is better than you think it is, switching is a bad idea, and don’t do drugs. Presumably the last message is implied. …
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