Tag Archive: Nick Cage

Jan 23

Left Behind

Left Behind is a serious of movies books that I remember hearing about when I was a kid. They were about The Rapture from the Christian Bible, where those who were judged holy enough got to go to Heaven, and the rest of the yokels on Earth had 7 years of destruction, sadness, whatever, before…I …

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Oct 09


Rage starring Cage. I think that was the reasoning behind this entire movie. It is a tagline that I don’t think anyone ended up using though. Come on guys, it was right in front of you. Nick Cage has been in a lot of movies, always. He is the type of guy who never says …

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Jul 15


I decided to watch Stolen because sometimes I hate my life. Also, an editor friend told me he heard that it was advertised as “Taken, but with Nicolas Cage!” That seems like a stretch. So then I had to watch it just to be sure. Because surely it wouldn’t be the same plot as Taken, …

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Mar 29

The Croods

Huh, a Dreamworks movie about cavemen. That is what The Croods is about. Get it? They are simpletons, they are ‘crude’. I get it. So now we all know that Dreamworks is still in business! Not enough failures, I see. But give it enough time… Cave men live in caves! Caves are safe (if not …

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Jun 03

Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance

Generally, most people will tell you they were disappointed with the original Ghost Rider movie. Ghost Rider himself is a cool concept, and a bad ass character, but for people to go home feeling bored? That isn’t good at all. With most of the Marvel movie characters that they no longer own, such as Spider-Man, …

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Dec 12

Drive Angry

I think Drive Angry is the last Nick Cage movie in the last few years (outside of Bangkok Dangerous) that I have not yet reviewed. I have come to expect a certain amount of apathy from some of his movies, but not all of them. For every Knowing, there is a Kick-Ass. For every Season …

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Nov 30


I am starting to think that Nick Cage puts out about thirty movies a year. Dude is in everything. All of which seem to have a lot of CGI elements too. Intersting Cage, Interesting indeed. Maybe he knows something? Or maybe he just likes money. Either way, I don’t think he cares about the plots …

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Nov 22

Season of the Witch

When I heard the title, Season of the Witch, a naturally assumed some fantasy based film: knights, witches, magic, what not. I didn’t know it would try to be a “fictional historic movie”. I do love me some Ancient History too, but not that Medieval crap, so that wasn’t a good start. The “Main Star” …

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Nov 14


Sometimes movie titles like to lie to you. Sometimes they just note a cheesy line said in the movie. And sometimes they just describe the movie. Kick-Ass happens to be the third option (okay, the second one too. But still) It is a good strategy too. Movies should just come out with titles like EXHILARATING …

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Oct 10

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

I didn’t think I’d ever watch The Sorcerer’s Apprentice when it came out. And by never watch, I mean watch eventually, because I watch everything eventually (I hope). All I knew about it is that it had Nick Cage, some dude, some other dude, and had maybe a magic card game reference or two. Realizing …

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