After the very recent disappointing musical that I saw, I quickly began looking at the other musicals to come out this year that might be of interest. So Begin Again is a smaller musical coming out this year. I am not getting my hopes up that it will be a traditional musical in any way, …
Tag Archive: Catherine Keener
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Jan 17
Enough Said
Let’s all take a moment to cry about the fact that we lost James Gandolfini this year. . . . Are you feeling better? No, me neither. It does suck. He played a similar character in most movies, but there was some talent there too. Even if he didn’t do anything else, he at least …
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Jul 19
A Late Quartet
Hey, did you read my review of Quartet? Probably not. Well, long story short, it wasn’t good. I also noted my confusion over thinking it was a different film, called A Late Quartet. Realizing there were two different films of similar themes and titles around the same time cleared up all my confusion. It totally …
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May 21
The Oranges
You know who we need more in our lives? Hugh Laurie. That is who you were going to say, right? After all, House M.D. ended a year ago, and he hasn’t been in many movies recently, outside of voice work. It is almost not fair! Which is why when I heard about The Oranges I …
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Mar 29
The Croods
Huh, a Dreamworks movie about cavemen. That is what The Croods is about. Get it? They are simpletons, they are ‘crude’. I get it. So now we all know that Dreamworks is still in business! Not enough failures, I see. But give it enough time… Cave men live in caves! Caves are safe (if not …
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Feb 13
Into The Wild
Recently I asked my two labs what their favorite movies were. I asked everyone, about 37 students in all, and I was happy to say I had seen every single one of them already. Except for one. Into The Wild. I had heard of it mentioned before, but never seen it. Well, I couldn’t let …
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Jun 25
Hamlet 2
Most likely, every time someone heard of the movie Hamlet 2 they did a quick double take, and possibly throw in a “da fuq?” Presumably most of you knew what happened in Hamlet as well, because it helps. A sequel to Hamlet doesn’t make any sense. And when you find out the movie isn’t even …
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Mar 01
A Summer In Genova
Sometimes film titles tell you what the movie is about. So you’d think A Summer In Genova was about a summer in Genova. And it is! Hah, tricked you. But it is also about a mom dying. Annnd sadness. Colin Firth is a college professor. But in a car accident loses his wife, and he …
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Feb 13
My original interest in watching Cyrus was not because of its all-star cast (exageration maybe. But at least one person in it was in a Best Picture movie, and the other has now been nominated for best supporting actor, so…). Nope, I watched it because it was previewed on another movie I liked, surrounded by …
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