Tag Archive: Clark Duke

Apr 21

Hot Tub Time Machine 2

Hot Tub Time Machine came out in 2010, a time before I went to theaters a lot. I remember a lot of my friends liking it, telling me it was as good as The Hangover! Oh man! And then I remember it being one of the first Blu-Rays I had ever bought. This was pre-site, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/hot-tub-time-machine-2

Aug 20

Kick-Ass 2

Author Note: This review has been censored by the Author himself for hilarity sake, not any entity running this review. Kick-[Butt] 2 is the sequel to Kick-[Bottom], that much is obvious. What is not obvious is why Jim Carrey started acted strangely this summer, so I think we should discuss it first. In June, he tweeted that he could not …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/kick-ass-2

Mar 29

The Croods

Huh, a Dreamworks movie about cavemen. That is what The Croods is about. Get it? They are simpletons, they are ‘crude’. I get it. So now we all know that Dreamworks is still in business! Not enough failures, I see. But give it enough time… Cave men live in caves! Caves are safe (if not …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-croods

Jun 16

A Thousand Words

Based off box office records and IMDB ratings, I am probably the only one who wanted to actually see A Thousand Words. I obviously didn’t know the plot beyond “For whatever reason, this guy will die if he says 1000 more words.” I’m fine with that. Could be a really good movie, funny, and probably …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/a-thousand-wordss

Nov 22

Sex Drive

Yeahhhhhhhhh Sexytime! Pink Robe? Check. Redneck? Check. Mexican Donut? Double Check! Sex Drive was a teen road trip comedy coming of age story movie, that when it came out, I think I saw about one advertisement for. Like every movie, I was about to watch the unrated version of the movie, but it began quite …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/sex-drive

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