Tag Archive: Alex Kendrick

Jan 05

War Room

If 2014 was the year of Biblical themed cinema, 2015 was…not. It went from like five big releases to really just one. Just War Room. And with a name like War Room, it doesn’t even sound like a hardcore religious film (but it issss). War Room is done by the same director as Fireproof, Facing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/war-room

May 12

Moms’ Night Out

Yay moms. Hopefully if you are a mom, you also know you are a mom. I hear sometimes guys finding out they are dads a year or many years later, and that is unfortunate. So I have to assume that is true for some moms too. I’d be a shame to not know you were …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/moms-night-out

Jan 14


Courageous is by the same people who brought us Facing the Giants, Flywheel, and Fireproof. Do you know those movies? I don’t. But I do applaud these people on making a movie that didn’t start with F. That is good news. Those movies have something to do with football, used car salesmen, and firemen. This …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/courageous

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