Tag Archive: Max Irons

Jul 22

Woman In Gold

I felt a bit bad, reviewing Self/Less, talking about how it was Ryan Reynold‘s forth movie for the year, and realizing that I skipped two of them in the process, only reviewing The Voices. I’m sorry Ryan. We’re still cool right? I am going to make it up to you by reviewing Woman In Gold …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/woman-in-gold

Apr 08

The Host

The Host is the first book turned movie story from Stephenie Meyer that does not feature vampires in it! Hooray! But how different will that story actually be? I mean, this one is about aliens. And romance. I guess that fits the supernatural teen romance genre still, which is good for her audience. But this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-host

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