Tag Archive: Angela Bassett

Mar 07

London Has Fallen

In 2013, our main Doppelganger films were Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down. The former was mostly serious with some jokes, the latter, full on action comedy in the middle of summer. And you know what? I liked both of them. They had their charms and were unique enough from each other that I …

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Dec 07


I may be the only one excited about this film. I heard about Chi-Raq a few months ago, and like most people, I assumed it would be some sort of Iraq spiritual movie. Chi. Get it? No, it is Chicago. Okay, a movie comparing the violence and unrest in Chicago to Iraq. After all, Spike …

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Apr 25

Black Nativity

Man, movies that didn’t come out last Fall/Winter are finally hitting the DVD Shelves. Last week was Justin Bieber’s Believe, which came to theaters on Christmas. This week, it is Black Nativity, which came to theaters for Thanksgiving! An even longer wait, those assholes. And for what? Nothing. Bah humbug. Just give me my Christmas …

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Apr 11

Olympus Has Fallen

As you all know, I am a patriotic American, so if there is a movie out there that will increase my patriotism, by golly, I will see it! Not that I needed any more convincing to see Olympus Has Fallen. I love a lot of the actors in this movie, even though certain male leads …

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Apr 23


Honestly, I feel like half of my movie reviews involve me admitting something that I previously didn’t know. It may come as a surprise to you, but my musical knowledge isn’t focused in the hip hop/rap movement/wars of the early 90s. Believe it. The first Tupac song I heard was Changes? Maybe? Its music video …

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