I wouldn’t be lying if I didn’t say I was excited to see this documentary. I heard about it months ago, and my body was super ready. It just was ready too early, and then I forgot about it for a month or so…
But hey! Now it is out and watchable. An HBO documentary, so you know they could put money towards it.
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief is a powerful title already pulling no punches. Obviously, this 2 hour documentary is about Scientology, like, the whole thing. From its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, to its start, to its current people in charge. And of course, their shady practices.
Shit, did I just describe the whole thing? Man, this was a quick review.

But I forgot to talk about celebrities!
In a way, it looks like this documentary was made and put together specifically for one person. John Travolta. When you think of Scientology, you think of two celebrities, him and Tom Cruise. Travolta used to be their poster child, now Cruise is. Cruise apparently is way too deep right now to be touched and is much newer in the group comparatively. But Travolta has had friends and close companions in Scientology who have now left and speak out in this documentary, about the travesties of the group, and what had to be done to keep the message from spreading.
So if he could hear it and believe, he would have a strong enough voice to help change a lot of people away from the cult and make a difference. But he has already said no thanks to that and defended it some more. Oh well, must have a lot of blackmail on him and Cruise.
Instead our biggest celebrity is Jason Beghe. And the documentary doesn’t get into the super hardcore rumors that you hear about. I guess that is because they didn’t want to get sued. So at the same time, while this documentary is super informative, if you saw the South Park episode on the same topic, you would know a lot of it already.
1 comment
April 10, 2015 at 11:58 am (UTC -4) Link to this comment
Absolutely terrifying.